The use of marijuana in food

Eating cannabis is an effective delivery method, and the cannabis concentrates and extracts in this article will allow you to easily convert any conventional recipe into an effective medicinal or recreational snack or meal. There is little point in preparing a huge, calorie-laden meal and then adding cannabis to it, as the digestive process simply takes too long and diminishes the effects.

Tips for cooking with the addition of cannabis

It is better to prepare simple dishes that are easily digested. To convert the active components of cannabis, the plant material still has to be heated when preparing edibles, but the important thing to understand is that once ingested, it can take between 30 minutes to an hour and a half before the first stages of the high are even noticed. After this, the euphoric state continues to increase. It may then last from four to eight hours, and in some cases, may last even longer and be far more powerful than smoking the same amount. Cannabis edibles can produce a very intense, almost psychedelic experience, particularly if you overdo the amount ingested. It is advisable to experiment with smaller quantities until you are satisfied with the effect produced. The psychopharmacological effects of ingested cannabis are very different from those experienced after inhaling smoke or vapor into the lungs, as many of the active components in cannabis are altered or destroyed during combustion. When cannabis has been ingested, the peaks of the experience tend to appear in successive waves, and these are far stronger than users will experience through smoking, with the effects lasting much longer. This is partly due to enzymes and other fluids in our digestive system that subtly alter the structure of the cannabinoids, but also due to the delayed onset of the effects after ingestion as there is an absence of any immediate sensation which would indicate to the cannabis smoker that enough has been taken. When eaten, some of the THC is metabolized by the liver into 11-Hydroxy-THC, which is four to five times more psychoactive.

Ingested cannabis cannot cause a toxic reaction

It is not possible to have a toxic reaction to the ingested cannabis unless you suffer from one of the extremely rare cases of cannabis hyperemesis; however, if you ingest too much you will almost certainly fall into a deep, unconscious sleep, and this could last for over 12 hours. If you are feeling the effects of ingesting too much cannabis, then a tablespoon of honey in warm water can help to reduce the intensity As the cannabinoids in cannabis will not dissolve in water, most edibles require some form of extraction method, either a fat, oil, or alcohol medium. Cannabinoids can also be extracted by simmering your plant material in full-fat milk as they will readily dissolve into these fats, and this is the method used to prepare the Indian cannabis drink known as bhang. Most cannabis cookery books rely heavily on the use of cannabis butter, which is a very effective method for administering cannabinoids. Canna flour is ideal for making bread and for use in cakes and pastries.

Сannabis tincture how it works

Cannabis tincture is a concentrated cannabinoid extract dissolved in alcohol that is easily added to meals and drinks, as alcohol solutions are readily assimilated, even in the absence of digestive secretions, and easily absorbed through the stomach lining. Honey and other sugars are also rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal capillaries; however, THC does not dissolve readily in sugars and therefore the degree of absorption is limited. A small quantity of sugar contained within the alcohol or an oil-based edible does facilitate absorption, but too much sugar will interfere with the digestion of the cannabinoid-loaded fats. Canna butter or ghee is used for baking and can also be used as a spread, for example on toasted bread or fruit cakes. Canna-infused oils are a useful addition to salad dressing, and they can be used in most recipes as a replacement for butter, particularly if you are lactose intolerant or avoiding dairy products. Heated and ground cannabis buds can also be sprinkled onto cereals or added to savory dishes without any need for preparing a canna-edible dish.