Research on the preparation of cannabis juice.

However, Michael Backes of the Abatin Wellness Center in California, a well-respected medical cannabis dispensary backed by state-of-the-art analytical testing, stated in response to Dr. Courtney’s claims:
“Dr. William Courtney has been researching juicing cannabis for several years. The young woman in the video, Kristen, is his wife. Courtney makes some very plausible points, but his claims really do need to be subjected to randomized, controlled clinical trials. Courtney’s claim that raw cannabis is not psychoactive is true, but only for pristine, fresh cannabis. Disturb the gland heads on a living cannabis plant of a strain that contains THC and the process of converting its non-psychoactive THCA to psychoactive THC begins, albeit slowly.”
Professor Manuel Guzman, from the Complutense University in Madrid, is involved in the study of how the active components of cannabis (the cannabinoids) act in the body, with special emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of that action, and on understanding how cannabinoids control cell generation and death. We have some involvement with the professor and specifically asked him the following question with regard to ingesting raw cannabis:
Phytocannabinoids produced by the plant do not bond with cannabinoid receptors, so when they are ingested fresh from an immature plant, what exactly are they doing in the body, if anything?”
His response does give some validation to the juicing theory:

“Yes, most (but not all) of the cannabinoids in the fresh plant are carboxylated and bind to CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors with low (but some) affinity. Then it is not an all-or-none issue. In addition, carboxylated THC may bind to additional as yet unknown molecular targets beyond cannabinoid receptors in the body. In short, the fresh plant is clearly less psychoactive than the treated/cured plant, but we still have to learn much more about the pharmacology of carboxylated cannabinoids.”

Сannabinoid molecules are antioxidants

In response to the same question, Dr. Paul Hornby, a very well-respected authority in biological and biochemical science stated:
“In answer to your question, nobody knows, since it’s never been thoroughly studied, but judging from the biochemistry of the cannabinoid molecules, even if not activated (decarboxylated) and may not bind the receptor, they still are antioxidants, anti-microbial, and have some anti-inflammatory action.”
However, the latest research is from the Department of Molecular Biology at the Daiichi University of Pharmacy in Japan. This research indicates that CBDA inhibits the migration of the highly invasive MDA-MB- 231 human breast cancer cells. The data now suggests for the first time that CBDA found in raw cannabis offers a real potential in stopping cancer cell migration, including aggressive breast cancers.
If you do have access to sufficient fresh cannabis leaves and wish to see if you can benefit from juicing, then it is recommended that patients juice around 20 freshly picked cannabis leaves per day for at least 45 days of juicing. To counteract the bitterness, patients mix the cannabis juice (1 part) with carrot juice (10 parts) and the juice should be consumed three times daily. This is only really possible if you can cultivate your own crop, and unfortunately for most patients, growing several large cannabis plants in the vegetative stage in order to provide yourself with enough fresh leaves for juicing will never be a viable option.

Many patients advise juicing whole, seeded cannabis buds instead of the leaf, and this may have some merit. By using seeded flowers, you are not only benefiting from an increased level of cannabinoid acids but from the seed content as well. The medical benefits of large doses of acidic cannabinoids have not been subjected to controlled clinical trials, and all of the evidence at this point is anecdotal. Fresh cannabis plant material can harbor a wide range of pathogenic microbes, so anyone with a compromised immune system would be well advised to exercise caution when juicing.